Daher ist eine Online-Verbindung zum Spielen der Probierfassung n\u00f6tig (die Vollversion soll hingegen kein Always-On voraussetzen). In der Demo ist neben dem klassischen 2D-Puzzle (auf der PS4 Pro in 4K und mit HDR) auch bereits die PSVR-Unterst\u00fctzung an Bord. Hier einige Feinheiten von Gematsu.com:<\/div>
“The Tetris Effect: Weekend Trial Demo consists of three stages of the main \u201cJourney Mode\u201d campaign (FYI: 27 total Journey Mode stages in the final game), as well as two \u201cEffect Modes\u201d (FYI: 10-plus in the final game): Marathon Mode and Mystery Mode. (…) Also, a special \u201cWeekend Ritual\u201d event will run for 24 hours over the demo weekend (starting 12:00 p.m. UTC on Saturday, November 3), during which all players of the Weekend Trial Demo can play a specified mode to earn points towards a Community Goal. If 100 percent of that Community Goal is reached in the 24 hour period, a special in-game avatar will unlock for all players who participated in the event, which is usable in the demo only. A Weekend Ritual event like this will run every weekend once the full Tetris Effect game launches on November 9, spotlighting different Effect Modes each week.”<\/em><\/div>