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Ziggurat Interactive: Re-Release erster Klassiker wie Fields of Glory und Deadly Dozen

Re-Release erster Klassiker wie Fields of Glory und Deadly Dozen


Ziggurat Interactive(Unternehmen) von Ziggurat Interactive

Publisher Ziggurat Interactive hat (wie angekündigt) die ersten sieben Klassiker auf veröffentlicht. Zu den Re-Releases gehören Elite Warriors Vietnam, Deadly Dozen, Line of Sight: Vietnam, Darklands, Slave Zero, NAM und Fields of Glory.

  • “Elite Warriors: Vietnam puts you in the boots of a member of the elite Studies and Observations Group (SOG) – U.S. Special Forces and precursors to today’s ‘Black Ops’ soldiers – as you, alongside your Green Beret and Montagnard allies, execute clandestine missions behind enemy lines during the conflict in Vietnam.
  • Deadly Dozen: Infiltrate German occupied territory with your squad of military misfits. Destroy, steal, and kidnap your way out. Sweaty palms and sniper rifles span six war-torn countries. Survive the tension and intrigue of a movie-quality WWII classic on your computer.
  • Line of Sight: Vietnam drops players into the deadly jungles of Vietnam as an elite sniper, tasked with taking out high-priority targets with quiet and brutal efficiency.
  • Darklands is one of the earliest open-world role-playing games, originally published by Microprose in 1992. It takes the player on an exhilarating journey across Europe during the 15th century Holy Roman Empire, encountering magic, heretics, witches, and supernatural creatures.
  • Slave Zero takes place 500 years in the future. You are the ultimate saboteur and part of an elite fighting force in an epic war pitting man against the machines. Your mission: steal the largest, most sophisticated bio-mechanical attack weapon ever designed…and kick some serious ass!
  • NAM puts the player in the combat boots of genetically-engineered USMC Sergeant Alan “The Bear” Westmoreland, as he single-handedly tries to win the Vietnam War. NAM we originally created using the celebrated Build engine that also powered Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood.
  • Fields of Glory is a real-time strategy (RTS) game published in 1993 by MicroProse that puts players in the knee-high boots of Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, and other 19th century commanders as they face off in some of the most famous battles of the Napoleonic Wars – including Quatre-Bras and Waterloo.”

Ziggurat hat außerdem Superhero League of Hoboken, Mission Critical und Eric the Unready von Legend Entertainment übernommen. Die Titel sind ebenfalls auf erhältlich.

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