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Swords of Gargantua: VR-Schwertkampf lädt zur geschlossenen Beta

VR-Schwertkampf lädt zur geschlossenen Beta


Swords of Gargantua(Prügeln & Kämpfen) von gumi / Thirdverse
Interessierte VR-Schwertkämpfer können sich ab sofort im offiziellen Discord-Auftritt von Swords of Gargantua für die geschlossene Beta bewerben: Das haben Entwickler Yomuneco und Publisher gumi gestern verkündet. Der auf Steam geplante Testlauf dauert vom heutigen Donnerstag bis zum Sonntag, 7. April.

Dank “hyperrealistischer” und haptischer Umsetzung soll sich der für Rift, Vive und Windows Mixed Reality erhältliche Online-Schwertkampf sich sehr authentisch anfühlen – inklusive Crossplatform-Unterstützung. Ein Release ist laut Steam “bald” geplant.

“For this beta, the company will be accepting a larger pool of testers, and all accepted testers who share their feedback through a provided survey, will be given the opportunity to have their name added to the credits as a Closed Beta Tester.

There are several new systems added to the second closed beta test:

– New combo system that amplifies your damage after a successful block, dodge or parry.
– More weapons to fight with – a Samurai sword and Club!

– Instead of pre-set enemy waves, now players will fight enemies based on how well they perform. The stronger you are, the harder the enemy!  

In order to apply for the beta, join the SWORDS of GARGANTUA Discord and follow the instructions on the #beta-apply channel here:
Key Features in SWORDS of GARGANTUA:

– Hyper Realistic VR Swordsmanship: We’ve taken great care to ensure that each battle feels great through heavy refinement of our battle system and accurate haptic feedback.
– Cross-Platform 4 Player Co-Op: With native voice chat, develop strategies, revive downed friendlies, and battle hordes of enemies in order to protect your mana station.
– Grand in Scale: 100 single player missions, 30 weapons to unlock, and a multiplayer mode rarely seen in VR melee action games.
– Gargantuan in Size: Embrace destiny and take on the mighty titan Gargantua. Larger and more challenging than anything players have faced in Swords of Gargantua before!”

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