Nintendo hat das DLC Pack 2 für Luigi’s Mansion 3 veröffentlicht. Wie aus dem Twitter-Beitrag von Nintendo Deutschland hervorgeht, enthält der kostenpflichtige DLC drei neue Wirrwarrturm-Kostüme sowie drei neue Spiele im Polterpark: Schreckweghockey, Pustparcours und Waagemut.
Sowohl das DLC Pack 1 als auch das DLC Pack 2 sind Bestandteil des Mehrspieler-Pakets, das zu einem Preis von 9,99 Euro angeboten wird und als Kaufbonus zudem die Taschenlampe Typ P beinhaltet.
ðŸ´â˜ ï¸ Ahoi, Matrosen! Das DLC-Paket 2 für #LuigisMansion3 enthält drei neue Wirrwarrturm-Kostüme und drei neue Spiele im Polterpark. Jetzt erhältlich!
— Nintendo DE (@NintendoDE) April 30, 2020
Mehrspielerpaket kaufen:
Neben der neuen Erweiterung hat man außerdem das Update 1.4 veröffentlicht, das einige Bugs aus der Welt schafft, aber auch neue Inhalte bietet. Im Wirrwarr-Turm treiben sich z.B. fünf neue Typen an seltenen Geistern herum und es gibt einen Art Viewer mit diversen Illustrationen, die während der Entwicklung des Spiels entstanden sind.
Nintendo America hat folgende Patch Notes zum Update 1.4 veröffentlicht:
- Added Features
- The following content has been added to ScareScraper.
- Five new types of rare ghosts will now appear.
- Added Art Viewer, where players can view illustrations created during development.
- To access Art Viewer, go from Story → Gallery → Special Content.
- The following content has been added to ScareScraper.
- Added Multiplayer Pack Features
- Added three new games to ScreamPark.
- The following content was added to ScareScraper.
- Added three costumes.
- Added three new floor themes and six kinds of themed ghosts that will appear when Luigi wears one of the new costumes.
Players who do not have the Multiplayer Pack can see these as well.
- Story
- Fixed an issue that caused King Boo to stop attacking on the Rooftop and prevented the game from progressing.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing during the battle with Goobs in the Grand Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing when a certain action was performed during the battle with Amadeus Wolfgeist on The Great Stage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing if Luigi obtains the red Gem in The Garden Suites and defeats Polterkitty at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused keys to be placed in unreachable locations in the Hotel Shops.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing if the Suction Shot was shot at the Strobe Switch in the RIP Suites.
- ScareScraper
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing when moving between rooms with a Toad.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing after “Could not join the game.” is displayed on the screen for recruiting players.
- Fixed an issue that caused the How to Play button to be displayed multiple times.
- Fixed an issue that caused keys to not appear, or to be placed in unreachable locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Poltergusts to be placed in unreachable locations during the event where the Poltergusts are stolen.
- Fixed an issue during the battle with Boolossus that stopped the Boos from re-forming and prevented the game from progressing.
- Fixed an issue that caused ghosts to become unobtainable and prevented a floor from being cleared if a player disconnected to the network the moment they sucked up a ghost.
- Fixed an issue that caused the remaining players to be unable to obtain a key if a player disconnected from the network the moment they inspected an object with a key in it.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from progressing if a Hammer was defeated at the same time that the rope on a box was being pulled.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the other players from progressing if a player disconnected from the network while the Quit window was open.
- ScreamPark
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to forcibly end if multiple players pass through a warp door while sucking up ghosts in Tricky Ghost Hunt.
- Other
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from using shuffle or repeat in Albums when playing with a single, horizontal Joy-Con.
- General
- Fixed several issues to improve gameplay experience.
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In meiner Naivität, dachte ich immer Nintendo verkauft keine DLCs. Irgendwie habe ich geglaubt die lassen die Finger davon, aber da hab ich mich wohl getäuscht.