Für Last Oasis (Early Access) ist das Volcanic Update veröffentlicht worden. Es umfasst eine vulkanische Region einschließlich fliegender Kreaturen, die es den Nomaden erlaubt, per Anhalter über die mit Lava gefüllten Ebenen zu gelangen. Darüber hinaus werden ein neuer Walker, vulkanische Waffen (aus Obsidian) und neue Möbel eingebaut. Das Change-Log findet ihr hier.
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Key Features:
- “New Volcanic Map: Discover the land of fire and ash – a new and unique oasis filled with various dangers. Experience vast open fields, rocky pathways and scorching hot lava lakes, full of rare resources to harvest and new enemies to fight.
- Volcanic Weapons: Being incredibly sharp and sturdy, volcanic weapons, made primarily of obsidian, could only lose to iron in their strength, while being easier to produce in high quantities.
- Killin: Discover a new species of nomadic fauna capable of soaring in the skies. Being attracted by Walker Wings, Killins are incredibly strong and dangerous when approached unprepared.
- Domus Walker: For nomads who believe that defense is the key to survival in the oases, Domus will become their new home. Protected by strong doors and walls all around, it’s a giant bunker on legs
- Furniture Pack: Add chairs, tables and more to your Walker – every nomad wants to feel at home in their Walker. Furnish your deck or your base with things like lamps and fire goblets, various chairs and carpets, and more.”