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In Death – Unchained: Quest-2-Update verbessert heute Grafik und Performance

Quest-2-Update verbessert heute Grafik und Performance


In Death: Unchained(Arcade-Action) von Superbright

Schon in der aktuellen Form von In Death – Unchained ist es auf der Oculus Quest 2 deutlich angenehmer für die Augen, weit entfernte Türme und Gegner auszumachen. Entwickler Superbright verpasst der Mobil-Version seiner Rogue-like-Action mit Pfeil und Bogen heute zusätzlich ein Update für Facebooks neues Headset. Darin enthalten sind u.a. Verbesserungen bei Performance und Grafik, darunter der volumetrische Nebel und eine neue Texturfilterung:

Improvements players can expect from the Quest 2 update:

· Whole world at once, with improvements in performance and quality

The game now loads and displays the whole world at once so the players can see far into the distance, enjoy heavenly vistas and get a better sense of direction in the game.

· New atmospheric fog
Built from the ground up to deliver the heavenly look of In Death: Unchained, the update brings a new volumetric, multi-layered custom fog that spans the whole world.

· Additional level pieces
The game’s world includes additional floating islands that help fill out the world outside of the play areas

· Sharper visuals (Fixed Foveated Rendering is turned OFF on Quest 2)
Combining the game’s optimizations and Quest 2’s power, the update turns off fixed foveated rendering and the output is super crisp on Quest 2.

· New cloud shadows
The game adds a subtle cloud shadow effect to the whole level, adding to the heavenly look.

· Updated snow shader
The snow shader on the boulders that support the buildings has been updated.

· Updated texture filtering
Texture LOD’s/mipmaps are tuned for more quality on Quest 2, combined with the FFOV OFF increasing the overall quality to make the game look sharper.

· Overall comfort
The game feels smoother, especially in big fights, thanks to the increased CPU power and game optimizations.”

Mitte November soll zudem ein kostenloser DLC-Inhalt für Quest 1 und 2 folgen.




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