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Espire 1: VR Operative – VR-Schleichspiel soll noch in dieser Woche erscheinen

© Digital Lode / Tripwire Interactive

Espire 1: VR Operative(Action-Adventure) von Tripwire Interactive Credit: Digital Lode / Tripwire Interactive

Die VR-Schleich-Action Espire 1: VR Operative hat laut endlich einen Release-Termin – diesmal hoffentlich final. Schon am kommenden Freitag, 22. November soll das Spionage-Spiel erscheinen, in dem man sich als Schleich-Roboter mit technischen Gadgets durch die Lüftungsschächte gut geschützter Industrie-Komplexe mogelt.

Der Start findet gleichzeitig auf Oculus Quest, Rift (S), HTC Vive, Valve Index, Windows-MR-Headsets und PlayStation VR statt. Nach viel Nutzer-Feeedback auf diversen Messen hatte man den Release mehrfach kurzfristig verschoben. Auf dem Youtube-Kanal von geht das Team etwas näher auf die Mechaniken und technischen Herausforderungen ihres Stealth-Titels für VR ein:

“Espire 1: VR Operative Key Features Include:

* The definitive VR stealth experience: bringing the stealth genre to the exciting medium of Virtual Reality, delivering gameplay mechanics for the stealth and action genres that have yet to be explored.

Offenbar darf man allerlei Gegenstäne stibitzen, um sie dann als Waffe einzusetzen. Entwickler Digital Lode und Tripwire Interactive (Killing Floor) hatten auf ihren zahlreichen Messe-Auftritten viel input von Spielern bekommen und sich daher dazu entschieden, den Release mehrmals kurzfristig zu verschieben.

“Espire 1: VR Operative Key Features Include:

* The definitive VR stealth experience: bringing the stealth genre to the exciting medium of Virtual Reality, delivering gameplay mechanics for the stealth and action genres that have yet to be explored.

* Full freedom of movement: allowing players the freedom to move anywhere within their virtual environment, moving, climbing, and falling with full comfort and no motion sickness for almost all players.

* Complete single-player story, rich in detail: developed as a dedicated single player VR experience with individual story missions and scenario missions that use the story mission environments for short challenges.

* Voice control: Using the VR headset’s onboard microphone, players can make commands and perform actions simply by speaking. The noises players make can draw the enemy to their location – adding a new way to gain the advantage.

* Arsenal of weapons and gadgets: As an Espire model 1 Operative, players will have access to dozens of unique gadgets and weapons such as a tranquilizer pistol and deployable spy cameras in order to complete the mission objectives.

* Global Leaderboard: A worldwide tally awards players a competitive score based on mission time, movement, stealth, ammo conservation, takedowns and other factors.

* Intuitive controls that mimic real life: Interaction in this game aims to be natural and intuitive. Instead of memorizing dozens of button combinations for every action, players perform them as they would in real life. Operatives can crouch and enter cover by physically using their body.

* Smart AI: Enemy combatants in this game actively hunt the player. The AI responds to sight, sound, and other stimuli and will react to with varying levels of suspicion based on the player’s physical stance, movement speed, cover and relative location.”

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